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Laura Torres-RodriguezActing Associate Professor

Laura J. Torres-Rodríguez received a B.A. in Hispanic Studies from the University of Puerto Rico and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University.

Dr. Torres-Rodríguez areas of research include Mexican literary, film and cultural studies; Asian-Latin American studies; transpacific ecologies and poetics; archipelagic and decolonial thinking; feminist aesthetics; and Marxist theory. Her first book, Orientaciones transpacíficas: la modernidad mexicana y el espectro de Asia [Transpacific Orientations: Mexican Modernity and the Specter of Asia] (2019), won the Best Book in the Humanities Award, Latin American Studies Association, Mexico Section (2020), and received an honorable mention for the 2019 Modern Language Association, Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize. Her work has appeared in Public Books, Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, Revista Hispánica Moderna, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Latin American Literary Review, Ciberletras, Esferas, Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Hablemos escritoras, and 80 grados.

Recent Publications:

“El género de la burocracia: El libro vacío de Josefina Vicens” (2023) Latin American Literary Review, vol.50, no.101, pp. 2-11.

con Francesca Dennstedt. “Feminismos, luchas antipatriarcales y las transformaciones materiales de la literatura mexicana contemporánea”. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (forthcoming 2023)

Review. (2023) Paula C. Park, Intercolonial Intimacies. Relinking Latin/o America to the Philippines, 1898-1964. Hispanic Review, vol. 91.2, pp. 328-332. 

“Dry Pedagogies/Wet Pedagogies”. (2023) Esferas. Cross/Currents- contra/corrientes, no.14, pp. 37-42.

“Criminalized Borders and US Healthcare Profits.” (2021) Public Books, 12.10. 2021.

“On (Re)productive Worlds: Transpacific Materiality and Mexican World Literature.” (2021) Mexican Literature as World Literature, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2021, 55-70.

Review. (2021) Ignacio M. Sánchez-Prado, Strategic Occidentalism. On Mexican Fiction, the Neoliberal Book Market, and the Question of World Literature. Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos, 37:2, 2021, pp. 321-324.

“Kairiana Núñez Santaliz, deportista escénica.” (2020) 80 grados, January.